
Keeping to the spirit of our founder, Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, we dream of forming empowered teachers who lead a life imbued in faith in God, realizing their full potential, and passionately contributing to build a learned society rooted in love and unity.


The college strives for the integral liberation of women through life oriented education, transforming them to responsible citizens who respond proactively to the global challenges with courage and commitment, build a just social order, and be stewards of this universe as modelled in the person of Jesus Christ.


To Form Josephites


PEO1: Our graduates will lead a healthy life of economic and intellectual independence
PEO2: Our graduates will flourish as socially just and responsible citizens
PEO3: Our Graduates will evolve as Globally Competent Professionals

PEO1: Our graduates will lead a healthy life with economic and intellectual independence

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO1 / PO1: Our graduates will develop into skilled teachers
PLO2 /PO2: Our graduates will acquire knowledge and the necessary skills for being a socially empowered women
PLO3/ PO3: Our graduates develop a positive attitude towards research.
PLO4/PO4: Our graduates will develop healthy life habits and enable others to practise the same

PEO2: Our graduates will flourish as socially just and responsible citizens

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO1 / PO1: Our graduates will apply the principles and practices related to the varied psychological, sociological, philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of Education to address the social needs.
PLO2 /PO2: Our graduates will appreciate the Value system based on the cultural social, political and moral aspects of each discipline
PLO3/ PO3: Our graduates will identify and solve the prevalent social and environmental issues and challenges
PLO4/PO4: Our graduates will acquire knowledge of Inclusive Educational Practices and understand the differentiated learning strategies

PEO3: Our Graduates will evolve as Globally Competent Professionals

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO1 / PO1: Our graduates will develop techno pedagogical competencies to meet the needs of the digital era
PLO2 /PO2: Our graduates will exhibit managerial and leadership skills with a global outlook
PLO3/ PO3: Our graduates will develop critical thinking skills addressing problems and issues with a global perspective
PLO4/PO4: Our graduates will develop a positive attitude that promotes sustainable development.

List of Courses
Sl.No Course Code Course Title
1 EDU 101 Contemporary India and Education
2 EDU 102 Childhood and Growing up
3 EDU 103 Development and Resources in Educational Technology.
4 EDU 104.11 Understanding the Discipline of English
5 EDU 104.12 Understanding the Discipline of Malayalam
6 EDU 104.16 Understanding the Discipline of Mathematics
7 EDU 104.17 Understanding the Discipline of Physical Science
8 EDU 104.18 Understanding the Discipline of Natural Science
9 EDU 104.19 Understanding the Discipline of Social Science
10 EDU 105.11 Learning to function as English teacher
11 EDU 105.12 Learning to function as Malayalam teacher
12 EDU 105.16 Learning to function as Mathematics teacher
13 EDU 105.17 Learning to function as Physical Science teacher
14 EDU 105.18 Learning to function as Natural Science teacher
15 EDU 105.19 Learning to function as Social Science teacher
16 EDU 106.11 Health and Physical Education
17 EDU 106.12 Guidance and Counselling
18 EDU 106.13 Elementary Education
19 EDU 106. 14 Environmental Education
20 EDU 107.1 Core Practical Course
21 EDU 107.2 Pedagogic Practical Course
22 EDU 107.3 Health & Physical Education Practical Course
23 EDU 107.4 Drama & Art in Education Practical Course
24 EDU 201 Knowledge and Curriculum
25 EDU 202 Learning and Teaching
26 EDU 203 Assessment for Learning
27 EDU 204.11 Pedagogical Dimensions of English
28 EDU 204.12 Pedagogical Dimensions of Malayalam
29 EDU 204.16 Pedagogical Dimensions of Mathematics
30 EDU 204.17 Pedagogical Dimensions of Physical Science
31 EDU 204.18 Pedagogical Dimensions of Natural Science
32 EDU 204.19 Pedagogical Dimensions of Social Science
33 EDU 205.11 Curriculum and Resource Development in English Education
34 EDU 205.12 Curriculum and Resource Development in Malyalam Education
35 EDU 205.16 Curriculum and Resource Development in Mathematics Education
36 EDU 205.17 Curriculum and Resource Development in Physical Science Education
37 EDU 205.18 Curriculum and Resource Development in Natural Science Education
38 EDU 205.19 Curriculum and Resource Development in Social Science Education
39 EDU 206.1 Core Practical Course
40 EDU 206.2 Pedagogic Practical Course
41 EDU 206.3 Health & Physical Education Practical Course
42 EDU 206.4 Drama & Art in Education Practical Course
43 EDU301 Language Across the Curriculum
44 EDU 302.1 Engagement with the field. Core Practical
45 EDU 302.2 Engagement with the field. Pedagogical Practical
46 EDU 302.3 Engagement with the field. Health and Physical Education Practical
47 EDU 302.4 Engagement with the field. Drama and Art Practical
48 EDU401 Gender, School and Society
49 EDU402 Personality Dynamics in Education
50 EDU 403.11 Professional Development of an English teacher
51 EDU 403.12 Professional Development of an Malayalam teacher
52 EDU 403.16 Professional Development of an Mathematics teacher
53 EDU 403.17 Professional Development of an Physical Science teacher
54 EDU 403.18 Professional Development of an Natural Science teacher
55 EDU 403.19 Professional Development of an Social Science teacher
56 EDU404.1 Core Practical Course
57 EDU404.2 Pedagogic Practical Course
58 EDU404.3 Health & Physical Education Practical Course
59 EDU404.4 Drama & Art in Education Practical Course
60 EDU404.5 Communicative English Course Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs/ COs)

EDU 101 Contemporary India and Education

On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: analyze the recommendations of various commissions after independence and their role in shaping the present education system of India and realize the importance of teacher education in India to mold professional teachers.
CLO2 : understand the Indian constitutional values, fundamental rights and duties of citizens and its influence on education
CLO3: understand the various school activities and classroom interaction with reference to multi culture and democracy address the social needs.
CLO4: appreciates Indian culture, educational heritage of India and traditional values of India
CLO5: To understand various school activities and classroom interaction with reference to multi culture and democracy.
CLO6 : Understand and analyze trends, issues, and challenges faced by contemporary Indian Education in a global context.

EDU 102 Childhood and Growing up
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the basic principles of Psychology
CLO2: understand the Process of human growth and development with its applications and importance
CLO3: develop the skills to administer various Memorization techniques among school children
CLO4 analyses the problems and needs of adolescents and find out the strategies to overcome the problems
CLO5: able to develop observational skills as a teacher on developmental characteristics of children
CLO6: understand the uses of intelligent tests as a teacher

EDU 103 Development and Resources in Educational Technology
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: will gain knowledge about Educational Technology its Concept, Approach and Scope
CLO2: gain an understanding of Communication – concept, components, types of communication, steps in communication, communication cycle, factors affecting communication, barriers of communication and teacher behavior
CLO3 : analyse the recent innovations and future perspectives of Educational Technology
CLO4 : develop an understanding of Cyber crime and Cyber ethics
CLO5: develop skills for designing individualized learning materials and integrating mass media in instruction
CLO6: develop knowledge about blended learning, ICT integrated approaches, e learning resources

EDU 104.11 Understanding the Discipline of English Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: evaluate the aims and objectives of English education at various levels in national and international contexts.
CLO2: develop study skill
CLO3: apply an integrated approach in developing the four-fold language skills
CLO4: develop the contextual and conceptual knowledge base of English language learning and teaching at national and international level
CLO5: develop skills for critical evaluation of the present status of English education
CLO6: develop authentic classroom practices based on theoretical underpinnings.

EDU 104.12 Understanding the Discipline of Malayalam Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: acquire knowledge about taxonomy of educational objectives , special objectives of
language learning and importance of learning grammar in language classes and ways to transact the same
CLO2: identify the interrelationships of disciplines like ICT, Theatre, Drama and other languages in teaching Malayalam
CLO3 : will be able to examine how the language skills can be practiced in an effective way in different levels of schooling
CLO4 : our graduates will understand the values of teaching Mother tongue
CLO5: will understand the importance of objective based and competency based instruction
CLO6: will critically evaluate the scope of mother tongue in teaching learning process

EDU 104.16 Understanding the Discipline of Mathematics Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 gain an insight about the inter and intra disciplinary nature of Mathematics
CLO2: gain an understanding of the nature and language of Mathematics
CLO3:develop a sense of appreciation for the Mathematicians and their contributions
CLO4: understand the Values of Teaching Mathematics at different stages
CLO5: get a perspective on scope of Mathematics in the society in the 21st century
CLO6: get an understanding of the role of Mathematics for the development of the country

EDU 104.17 Understanding the Discipline of Physical Science
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : gain knowledge about the Interdisciplinary nature of Physical Science, taxonomy of Educational objectives and differentiate between objectives and specifications
CLO2: gain an understanding of Scientific Attitude, Scientific Temper, Scientific Literacy and Scientific Creativity
CLO3 : develop a sense of appreciation for the Scientist and their inventions
CLO4: understand the Values of Teaching Physical Science
CLO5 : critically evaluate the Scope of Science as a Social endeavour
CLO6 : gain an understanding of the role of Science in Sustainable development

EDU 104.18 Understanding the Discipline of Natural Science
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the role of Natural Science in improving health and hygiene
CLO2: understand the values of teaching Natural Science
CLO3: identify the role of Natural Science in the social realm
CLO4: develop skill to prepare e-document on the life history and contributions of eminent biologists
CLO5: realize the need of correlating biology with other subjects for effective classroom teaching
CLO6: understand the importance of sustainable agricultural practices

EDU 104.19 Understanding the Discipline of Social Science
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: will gain knowledge about Conceptual Background of Social Science
CLO2 : will develop a sense of appreciation for the Social Scientist and their contribution
CLO3: will develop skills to analyse a social Science text book of Secondary School
CLO4: will understand the Values of teaching Social Science
CLO5: will gain an understanding of Branches of Social Science – History, Economics, Geography,
Political Science, and identify the differences between social sciences and Social Studies
CLO6: will critically evaluate the Scope of Social Science in addressing Social problems

On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : apply relevant strategies to develop the target language
CLO2: practice micro teaching skills through practice and feedback on language and tasks and oral or written correction.
CLO3: understand the approaches, methods and strategies and current professional practices to enrich target language
CLO4: develops pedagogic content competence
CLO5: create a positive inclusive learning environment by ensuring involvement of all the learners
CLO6: develop skills for critical evaluation of the current practices and trends of English education in at various levels in national and international contexts

EDU 105.12 Learning to function as Malayalam teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the basic skills of teaching
CLO2: identify the innovative strategies for teaching Malayalam Language in classroom situations
CLO3: apply reflective practices in order to develop insights about learning.
CLO4: apply differential strategies of inclusiveness in classrooms
CLO5: point out the distinct features of various approaches, techniques and methods of teaching Malayalam Language
CLO6: understand the motivational techniques in teaching Malayalam Language

 EDU 105.16 Learning to function as Mathematics teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: Acquire knowledge about pedagogy and maxims of learning Mathematics
CLO2: Comprehend various Mass and Individualised Instructional strategies for Mathematics
CLO3: Acquire knowledge of Reflective Journaling, Brain based learning strategies, and develop skill in generating Math Concept Maps
CLO4: Acquire knowledge of developing Mathematical Skills in children
CLO5: Know about the Motivational Techniques that can be used in Mathematics Classrooms.
CLO6: Comprehend the Differentiated strategies for Inclusiveness in Mathematics Classrooms

EDU 105.17 Learning to function as Physical Science teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop the necessary pedagogical skills and gain knowledge of the various methods and strategies to teach Physical Science
CLO2: acquire the skills of reflection
CLO3: will apply the knowledge of Inclusive classrooms in dealing with issues and challenges faced in classroom
CLO4: will develop an understanding about individual difference and differentiated learning strategies
CLO5: develop the necessary skills for integrating pedagogy with technology
CLO6: gain understanding of various motivational techniques for teaching Physical Science

EDU 105.18 Learning to function as Natural Science teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the basic skills of teaching
CLO2: identify the innovative strategies for teaching biology in classroom situations
CLO3: apply reflective practices in order to develop insights about learning.
CLO4: apply differential strategies of inclusiveness in classrooms
CLO5: point out the distinct features of various approaches, techniques and methods of teaching natural science
CLO6: understand the motivational techniques in teaching Natural Science

EDU 105.19 Learning to function as Social Science teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: will develop an understanding of Maxims, Approaches and Methods of Teaching Social Science
CLO2: will gain knowledge of innovative Strategies and their benefits
CLO3: understand the basic skills of teaching in classroom situations
CLO4: apply differential strategies of inclusiveness in classrooms
CLO5: will develop the necessary skills for developing devices for developing Time sense and devices for developing Space sense
CLO6: will gain understanding of various motivational techniques for teaching Social Science

EDU 106.11: Health and Physical Education
On completion of the course, our graduates will
CLO1: gain knowledge about various hypo kinetic and communicable diseases and its prevention
CLO2: gain an understanding of nutrition ,energy requirement and expenditure
CLO3: develop skills to conduct survey on community health issues
CLO4 : acquire knowledge about healthy life style
CLO5 : understand the Values of Teaching Health and Physical Education
CLO6: will identify prevalent lifestyle diseases

EDU 106.12 Guidance and Counselling
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 Understand the basic principles of guidance and counselling and apply the same to the process of education.
CLO2 Acquire ability to organize guidance programmes in school.
CLO3 Understands the process and stages of counselling
CLO4: Acquire skills and Qualities to become a good Counsellor
CLO5 Understands Tools and techniques for implementing Guidance and counselling
CLO6 Internalize teacher as Counsellor

EDU 106.13 Elementary Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 Understand the development of elementary education in India and about the different
constitutional provisions related to education
CLO2 Acquaint with different educational reports and policies on elementary education.
CLO3 Acquaint with the programmes for achieving UEE
CLO4 Understand the recent changes in curriculum structuring and the mode of curriculum ransaction at elementary level
CLO5 Understand the various method of teaching at elementary level
CLO6 Understand the role of various organisation in the quality improvement of elementary

EDU 106.14 Environmental Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : understand the Multidisciplinary nature of environmental education
CLO2 : realise the interdependence of life and environment and the need for preservation of our cultural heritage
CLO3 : understand different strategies for environmental education and apply them effectively.
CLO4 : develop awareness about rules, regulations and legal provisions for protection, preservation and conservation of the environment
C05: think critically, ethically, and creatively while evaluating environmental issues and making judgments.
CLO6 :develop a sense of responsibility and favorable attitudes, values and skills towards
protection and conservation of environment, biodiversity and sustainable development

EDU 107.1 Practical Course- Core
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop necessary skill to prepare learning materials
CLO2: develop the skill for conducting research on Socially/ educationally relevant issue
CLO3: develop knowledge of the prevailing practices of respective elective course in schools/community
CLO4 : acquire knowledge of adolescent problems
CLO5 : gain the necessary skills to create blogs
CLO6 : develop skill of reflection

EDU 107.2 Practical Course- Pedagogy
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 our graduate will develop necessary teaching skills through micro teaching and link practice sessions
CLO2 Our graduates will develop necessary presentation skills
CLO3 Our graduates develop skills for writing reports.
CLO4 Our graduates will integrate the skill gained in microteaching to link practice
CLO5 Our graduates will gain the necessary skills to create ICT Resource materials
CLO6 Our graduates will develop skill of reflection

EDU 107.3 Practical Course- Health and Physical Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop skills of Yogic asanas and First Aid
CLO2 ; develop knowledge and skill for practicing first aid
CLO3 : develop knowledge and skills for practicing yogic asanas
CLO4: apply the principles of First Aid
CLO5: understand the importance of Yoga and appreciation for the same
CLO6 : develop life saving skills ( CPR)

EDU 107.4 Practical Course- Art and Drama Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop skills of writing drama scripts
CLO2 : acquire necessary skills to organize Socially Useful productive work
CLO3: apply the principles of drama in writing role plays
CLO4 : understand the importance of Drama and Art Education
CLO5 : acquire leadership skills
CLO6 : design eco- friendly products

EDU 201 Knowledge and Curriculum
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : understand Western and Indian Schools of Philosophies as the base of various teaching methods
CLO2: understand the concept, bases, and various interpretations of curriculum, steps and process of curriculum construction.
CLO3: understand the context of various values and value education.
C04: identify the role of a teacher as a social reformer
CLO5 : understand the ideologies related to Paedo-centric and child centered education
CLO6: understand the concept and concerns of Educational organization, administration and management.

EDU202 Learning and Teaching
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the process of learning and different approaches to the teaching learning process
CLO2: identify and cater educational needs of various types of children
CLO3: develop the skills to identify adolescent problems and present in the class room
CLO4: develop the skills for conducting interview and collecting data
CLO5: evaluate the learning styles and get familiar with the learning style and strategies of the
CLO6: able to apply the principles to foster maximum positive transfer in learning

EDU 203 Assessment for Learning
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: appreciate the role of teacher as a researcher
CLO2 : apply the essentials of statistics in process of evaluation
CLO3: develop competencies to evaluate learning
CLO4: develop skills to conduct Educational Diagnosis and suggest remedial measures
CLO5: get a perspective on reforms of assessment and evaluation and integrate technology for the implementation of the same
CLO6: will design appropriate assessment instruments for students

EDU 204.11 : Pedagogical Dimensions of English
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: apply relevant strategies to develop the target language
CLO2: analyze the content with respect to the relevant aims of teaching the target language
CLO3: design instruction catering to the diverse needs of the language classroom
CLO4:judge the efficacy of teaching through assessment strategies
CLO5: assume accountability for the teaching-learning process
CLO6 : develop skills for critical evaluation of the current practices and trends of English education in at various levels in national and international contexts

EDU 204.12 Pedagogical Dimensions of Malayalam
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : explain the steps of developing year plan, unit plan and lesson plan.
CLO2: analyze the content areas of Malayalam Textbooks
CLO3: will familiarise with the psychological theories related to language learning and its
contributions through theory and lesson planning
CLO4: understand the construction of different assessment tools for evaluationCLO5: familiarize with the concept of techno Pedagogy and understand the role of the teacher as a techno-pedagogue
CLO6: apply Innovative teaching-learning strategies in the classroom

EDU 204.16 Pedagogical Dimensions of Mathematics
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: Conceptualise Ideology of Multiple Intelligences, Experiential Learning, Constructivism in Mathematics Teaching
CLO2: Apprehend the Pedagogy of Mathematics of Secondary Level
CLO3: Capacitate systematic Planning of Instruction and develop skill in charting Mathematics Lesson Designs
CLO4: Acquaint with the concept of Techno- pedagogy and understand the role of a Mathematics teacher as a Techno-pedagogue
CLO5: Augment the levels of teaching competence by synchronizing IT in Mathematics Teaching
CLO6: Acquire knowledge about the Criteria , Tools and Techniques for Teacher Evaluation and Student Evaluation

EDU 204.17 Pedagogical Dimensions of Physical Science
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: acquire knowledge of planning a lesson, various assessment practices and develop the necessary skills for transacting the same
CLO2: gain understanding of method and processes involved in preparation of achievement Test and diagnostic test and administer and analyse the same
CLO3: apply the knowledge of Psychological Dimensions of Physical Science Teaching in real classroom teaching
CLO4: gain understanding about Critical Pedagogy as an approach to address social issues
CLO5: gain an understanding of Techno pedagogic Content Knowledge
CLO6: develop skills to diagnose learning difficulties in students and suggest appropriate remedial measures.

EDU 204.18 Pedagogical Dimensions of Natural Science
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : explain the steps of developing year plan, unit plan and lesson plan.
CLO2: analyze the content areas of Biology Textbooks
CLO3: understand the psychological dimensions of Natural Science teaching
CLO4: understand the construction of different assessment tools for evaluationCLO5: familiarize with the concept of techno Pedagogy and understand the role of the teacher as a techno-pedagogue
CLO6: apply Innovative teaching-learning strategies in the classroom

EDU 204.19 Pedagogical Dimensions of Social Science
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: acquire knowledge of planning a lesson, various assessment practices and develop the necessary skills for transacting the same
CLO2: gain understanding of method and processes involved in preparation of achievement Test and diagnostic test and administer and analyse the same
CLO3: apply the knowledge of Psychological Dimensions of Social Science Teaching in real classroom teaching
CLO4: gain understanding about Critical Pedagogy as an approach to address social issues
CLO5: gain an understanding of Techno pedagogic Content Knowledge
CLO6: develop skills to diagnose learning difficulties in students and suggest appropriate remedial measures.

EDU205.11 : Curriculum and Resource Development In English Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the principles of curriculum construction with special reference to English teaching.
CLO2 : develop competency in distinguishing different types of curriculum.
CLO3: modify the curriculum so as to address student needs.
CLO4:organize activities related to the English club for developing communicative skills.
CLO5: use the resources and instructional support effectively to transact the curriculum
CLO6 : organize activities related to the English club for developing communicative skills.

EDU 205.12 Curriculum and Resource Development in Malayalam Education

On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: identify various dimensions of curriculum and their relationship with the aims of education
CLO2: utilize various resources and activities to promote effective teaching and learning.
CLO3: determine the curriculum according to the needs of the students
CLO4: understand different e- learning resources
CLO5:develop competency in evaluating a curriculum and its elements
CLO6: gain knowledge and skill in developing improvised aids

EDU 205.16 Curriculum and Resource Development in Mathematics Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: gain understanding of the concept, functions and different types of Curriculum
CLO2: gain a perspective on the principles and approaches of curriculum construction.
CLO3: become proficient in analyzing Mathematics curriculum.
CLO4: develop knowledge about the various resource materials
CLO4: gain understanding of differentiated Curriculum to meet individual differences
CLO5: get acquainted with online resources to uphill the level of teaching performance
CLO6: gain knowledge and skill in developing improvised aids

EDU 205.17 Curriculum and Resource Development in Physical Science Education

On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: gain understanding of the concept and functions of Curriculum and instructional supports
CLO2: analyse the relevance of NCF and KCF in the present scenario
CLO3: develop knowledge about the various resource materials
CLO4: gain understanding of Differentiated Curriculum to meet individual differences – gifted, slow learners, under achievers, Learning disabled and apply the same in planning lesson plan during induction
CLO5: develop knowledge of the various ICT based resources for teaching Physical Science
CLO6: gain knowledge and skill in developing improvised aids

EDU 205.18 Curriculum and Resource Development in Natural Science Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: identify various dimensions of curriculum and their relationship with the aims of education
CLO2: utilize various resources and activities to promote effective teaching and learning.
CLO3: determine the curriculum according to the needs of the students
CLO4: understand different e- learning resources
CLO5:develop competency in evaluating a curriculum and its elements
CLO6: develop skills to organise a field visit to experience the diversities of Nature

EDU 205.19 Curriculum and Resource Development in Social Science Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: gain understanding of the concept and functions of Curriculum and instructional supports
CLO2: analyse the relevance of NCF and KCF in the present scenario
CLO3: develop knowledge about the various resource materials
CLO4: gain understanding of Differentiated Curriculum to meet individual differences – gifted, slow learners, under achievers, Learning disabled and apply the same in planning lesson plan during induction
CLO5: develop knowledge of the various ICT based resources for teaching Social Science
CLO6: gain knowledge and skill in developing improvised aids

EDU 206.1 Core Practical Course
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : will gain knowledge of School Profile and practices
CLO2: will develop analytical and evaluative skills
CLO3 : will apply the principles and practices related to the varied psychological, sociological,
philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of Education to address the adolescent problems
CLO4: will develop skills to analyse prevalent assessment practices
CLO5 : Critically Analysis of the status of exceptional children in the school
CLO6: identify adolescent problems

EDU 206.2: Pedagogic Practical Course
On completion of the course, our graduates will
CLO1: will gain knowledge of lesson plans
CLO2: develop observation and evaluation skills
CLO3: will apply the principles and practices related to the varied psychological, sociological, philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of Education in planning lessons
CLO4: will develop skills of integrating inclusive education in real classroom situation
CLO5: apply technology in transacting lessons
CLO6: develop class management skills

EDU 206.3 Health and Physical Education Practical Course
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop professional competency in organizing sports
CLO2 : develop ability to organize sports
CLO3 : develop emotional stability and sportsman spirit
CLO4 : appreciate the significance of sports
CLO5: develop leadership qualities
CLO6: develop critical thinking skills

EDU 206.4 Drama and Art Practical Course
On completion of the course, our graduates will
CLO1: develop understanding and skills Preparation of criteria for evaluating different art forms
CLO2: develop skills to conduct interview
CLO3: develop skills to write reports
CLO4: apply the principles of , sociological, philosophical and pedagogical dimensions in
preparing interview schedule
CLO5: appreciate the local community art forms
CLO6: realize the need to make the local art forms known to others

EDU 301: Language Across the Curriculum
On completion of the course, our graduates will
CLO1: understand models of language teaching and learning
CLO2 : develop competence in analysing current school practices and coming up with appropriate ernatives
CLO3 : effectively prepare teaching manuals and construct achievement tests and diagnostic tests, ICT based teaching and learning
CLO4 : appreciate interdisciplinary approach and relevance of classroom oral and written discourses
CLO5 : develop strategies for using language to promote learning in the subject area.
CLO6 : Realize the scope of Language Across Curriculum

EDU 302.1 Practical Course- Core
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop the skills for efficient classroom teaching
CLO2: develop the skill for tool preparation and conducting case study and action research
CLO3: develop skill to frame value integrated lesson plans
CLO4: develop the skill to identify children with special needs and cater to individual differences
CLO5 : gain the necessary skills to integrate ICT tools for teaching and learning
CLO6 : develop skill of reflection

EDU 302.2 Practical Course- Pedagogy
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop the skills for efficient classroom teaching
CLO2 : develop the skill for conducting projects and preparing self assessment tools, achievement
test, diagnostic test and analysing the same
CLO3 : develop skill to frame value integrated lesson plans
CLO4 : gain the necessary skills to integrate ICT tools for teaching and learning
CLO5 : develop organizational skills and classroom management skills
CLO6 : develop skill of reflection

EDU 302.3 Practical Course- Health and Physical Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop the skills for efficient classroom teaching
CLO2 : develop knowledge and skill to take classes on Physical Education, health Education and Yoga
CLO3; develop an appreciation of Physical Education, Health Education and Yoga education for building a healthy society
CLO4 : develop skills to integrate ICT in teaching and learning
CLO5: develop organizational skills and classroom management skills
CLO6 : develop skill of reflection

EDU 302.4 Practical Course- Art and Drama Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: develop the skills for integrating art and drama in classroom teaching
CLO2 : get the necessary skills to conscientise people on National integration/patriotism/universal brotherhood
CLO3; develop an appreciation for art and cultural heritage of India .
CLO4 : develop skills to integrate ICT in teaching and learning
CLO5: develop organizational skills and classroom management skills
CLO6 : develop skill of reflection

EDU 401 Gender School and Society
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : understand the paradigm shift from women studies to gender studies in relation to education
of women in India in the historical and contemporary period
CLO2: understand the ways in which social institutions and government initiatives help in the women empowerment
CLO3: understand the role of Teacher as an agent of positive change in gender perspective
CLO4: identify the reasons for gender discrimination and oppression which leads to Inequalities and resistances in education of the girl child.
CLO5: understand the role of social medias on perpetuating gender notions in Indian society.
CLO6: understand key concepts – gender, gender perspective, gender bias, gender stereotype, empowerment, gender parity, equity and equality, patriarchy and feminism and identifies gender
issues in school, curriculum and text book materials its intersection with class, caste, culture, religion and region

EDU402: Personality Dynamics in Education
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: understand the relevance of different types of intelligence in learning and teaching process
CLO2: understand the significance of life- skills in leading a successful and happy life
CLO3: apply the principles of eco-psychology in conservation of natural resources
CLO4 : able to conduct peer counseling and prepare a report
CLO5: develop the skill for planning and executing a tour programme for the school students
CLO6 : develop positive attitude towards teaching profession

EDU 403.11 : Professional Development of an English Teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: direct the mode of teaching and research in a professional manner with reference to recent trends.
CLO2: understand the challenges in teaching English and handle challenges in language education with responsibility
CLO3 : apply an integrated approach in developing the four-fold language skills.
CLO4: reflect on practices in promoting values and humane attitudes.
CLO6: develop personal and professional competencies as a teacher.

EDU 403.12 : Professional Development of a Malayalam Teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: Develop skill to frame their vision and mission as a Malayalam teacher
CLO2: Develop skill to Review a Malayalam Education Journal
CLO3: Acquire knowledge and skills to do a Project in the field of Malayalam Education
CLO4: Develop writing skills required to Report a Research or to Write any articles related to Malayalam Education
CLO5: Develop skills to analyse the Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in their teaching
CLO6: Develop a Research attitude through reading and Reviewing Research Reports

EDU 403.16: Professional Development of a Mathematics teacher
On completion of the course, our graduates will
CLO1: Develop skill to frame their vision and mission as a Mathematics teacher
CLO2: Develop skill to Review a Mathematics Education Journal
CLO3: Acquire knowledge and skills to do a Project in the field of Mathematics Education
CLO4: Develop writing skills required to Report research or to Write any articles related to Mathematics Education
CLO5: Develop skills to analyse the strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in their teaching
CLO6: Develop a Research attitude through reading and Reviewing Research Reports

EDU 403.17: Professional Development ofan Physical Science teacher
On completion of the course, our graduates will
CLO1: understand the characteristics of Professional teachers and Ways and Means of Developing Professionalism; and develop their own Vision and mission as professionals.
CLO2: acquire recent research trend in Science learning with special emphasis to instructional strategies and assessment practices
CLO3: gain an understanding of teacher accountability and Professional ethics of a teacher
CLO4: gain a conceptual overview of Social and Cultural Issues in Science Education
CLO5: gain understanding of Differentiated Curriculum to meet individual differences – gifted, slow learners, under achievers, Learning disabled and apply the same in planning lesson plan during induction
CLO6: understand the role of reflection in meeting the challenges in Science teaching

EDU 403.18 Professional Development of an Natural Science teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1:inculcate the essential qualities, duties and responsibilities of a Natural Science Teacher
CLO2: understand the recent trends in research related to Science teaching and learning in schools
CLO3: understand the base for human values, namely freedom, trust, mutual respect, respect for
diversity, etc.
CLO4: identify major challenges faced by our society and make use of the scientific knowledge in equipping the learner to face those challenges
CLO5: create blog article related to social issues
CLO6: understand the role of various green technologies for sustainable living

EDU 403.19 Professional Development of an Social Science teacher
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: will understand the characterisitics of Professional teachers and Ways and Means of Developing Professionalism; and develop their own Vision and mission as a professional.
CLO2: will develop an understanding of the Multifaceted Role of Teacher
CLO3 : will acquire knowledge of recent research trend in Social Science
C04: will gain an understanding of teacher accountability and Professional ethics of a teacher
CLO5: Our Graduates will gain a conceptual overview of Social and Cultural Issues
CLO6 : Our graduates understand the role of reflection in addressing problems and issues with a global perspective

EDU404.1 Core Practical Course
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : define their vision and mission as a teacher
CLO2: develop social skill, soft skills through community camp living camp
CLO3: develop skills to conduct and report interviews
CLO4: identify the social needs and organize extension programmes accordingly
CLO5 : be able to create and design documentary /short films
CLO6 : develop organization skills by organizing study tour , community camps

EDU404.2 Pedagogic Practical Course
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : define their vision and mission as a teacher
CLO2: critically review journal and write journal articles
CLO3 : develop skills to analyse the Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in their teaching
CLO4: conduct projects on topics of pedagogic relevance
CLO5 : be able to create and design articles and upload them on blog
CLO6 : develop skills of critical evaluation

EDU404.3 Health and Physical Education Practical Course
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : understand the rules of certain sport events
CLO2 : develop healthy competitive spirit and qualities of cooperation
CLO3: understand the importance of sports and games in life
CLO4: appreciate the value of Sports and games in staying healthy
CLO5 ; develop managerial and leadership quality through sports and games event
CLO6: analyse the rules and regulations of Volleyball and shuttle badminton

EDU404.4 Drama and Art ln Education Practical Course
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1 : understand the importance of films and street plays in education
CLO2: develop analytical skills by reviewing Films
CLO3 : will apply the principles and practices related to the varied psychological, sociological,
philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of Education in reviewing films
CLO4: appreciate the value of good Films and street plays in forming the society
CLO5 ; develop managerial and leadership quality through conduct and participation in Arts fest
CLO6: analyse the rules and regulations of various cultural events in the art fest

EDU404.5 Communicative English
On completion of the course our graduates will
CLO1: contribute to the personal social and professional development.
CLO2: develop skill of communication and fluency in English language
CLO3: enhance the latent vocational skills through intensive training in developing proficiency in English language.
CLO4: build on active knowledge of lexical resources and grammar in English and prepare skill portfolios.
CLO5: work with a set of materials to provide them with the necessary skills to comprehend and
produce written and oral ‘texts,’
CLO6: develop communicative skills in various contexts