Management Council is an organization responsible for making high-level
decisions and overseeing the overall management of the entity.


 Educational Agency – Provincial Superior
 Vicar Provincial
 Councillor for Education- Manger
 Councillor for Faith Formation
 Councillor for Renewal
 Councillor for Healing Ministry


To make strategic decisions, set policies, and ensure the organization’s success and
long-term sustainability.


  1. Strategic planning
  2. Decision-making
  3. Policy Development
  4. Appointment and supervision of executives
  5. Performance monitoring
    The Management Council shall be reconstituted every three years.

The governing body of a college typically refers to the group of individuals or
organization responsible for making important decisions and overseeing the operations of the


 Govt. Nominee
 University Nominee
 Manger
 Principal
 Faculty Member (2)
The term of office for all members except Principal is three years.


To provide effective oversight, make decisions, and ensure the smooth functioning
of the institution.


  1. Approval of strategic plan
  2. Oversees the effective implementation of Policies,
  3. Ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements,
  4. Monitoring financial performance and approval of budget
  5. Ensures quality and standard of education and encouragement and support for
    translating the vision and mission of the institution.


The Governing Body shall be reconstituted every three years except for the
retirement and long leave of the staff


Meetings of the Governing Body shall be held at least twice a year.


  1. Development of quality policies and guidelines in alignment with the objectives of the
  2. Initiation and coordination of quality enhancement activities within the institution.
  3. Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related
    themes and promotion of quality circles.
  4. Documentation of the various programmes/activities of the College, leading to
    quality improvement.
  5. Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on
    quality- related institutional processes.


The IQAC shall be reconstituted every three years except for the retirement and long
leave of the staff.


Meetings of the IQAC shall be held at least four times a year.

The Curriculum Transaction Planning Committee of a college is a group responsible for
planning and implementing the curriculum offered by the university.


 Principal/ Convener
 Faculty Member- Core Course
 Faculty Member -English Optional
 Faculty Member – Malayalam Optional
 Faculty Member –Mathematics Optional
 Faculty Member – Natural Science Optional
 Faculty Member- Physical Science Optional
 Faculty Member- Social Science Optional
 M.Ed- HOD
 M.Ed Faculty (Secretary)

 Principal of the practice teaching school
 Employer
 Experts
 Student Rep.
 Alumni
 Parent Representative


To ensure that the curriculum delivered is aligned with the overall educational goals
and objectives of the institution and to define the desired learning outcomes for students. As
well as to connect different subject areas or disciplines, fostering a holistic and
comprehensive educational experience for students.


  1. Planning the curriculum delivery in the institution
  2. Organizing meetings, workshops, and professional development sessions to
    ensure a cohesive and unified approach towards delivering the curriculum.
  3. Allocating resources required for curriculum implementation.
  4. Preparing Academic Calendar, Time table and Workload
  5. Seeking inputs from various stakeholders to ensure that the curriculum
    reflects the needs, interests, and values of the community it serves.


The Curriculum Transaction Planning Committee shall be reconstituted every three
years except for the retirement and long leave of the staff.


Meetings of the Curriculum Transaction Planning Committee shall be held at least twice in a

The Staff Council of a college is a representative body composed of staff members from
various departments of the institution.


 All faculty members constitute the Staff council


To facilitate regular dialogue between staff members, sharing information, and
encouraging feedback and suggestions and creating healthy college climate through active
cooperation and collaboration of the entire staff.


  1. Providing support to students and faculty by assisting with research, locating resources,
    managing course materials, coordinating academic programs, and offering guidance on
    academic planning.
  2. Preparing plans related to celebrations like the College Day, national and religious
    festivals, reception of dignitaries to the college, send-off of staff members etc.
  3. Ensuring that the physical infrastructure of the college is well-maintained and operational.
  4. Organizing and supporting various student activities, events, and clubs.
  5. Ensuring that staff voices are heard and taken into account in relevant discussions and
    decision- making processes.


The Council typically holds regular meetings to discuss and address matters related to
the college community. The frequency of meetings may vary, but they are often held at least
once a month or as needed.

The Finance cum Purchase Committee of a college is a decision-making body
responsible for managing the financial affairs and procurement processes of the institution.


 Principal / Convener
 Financial Officer/Bursar
 Faculty Member
 Faculty Member
 Faulty Member
 Head Accountant
 Librarian


To mobilize resources and allocate it in order to make the institution user friendly and
learner– centered.


Providing financial advice and recommendations to the college administration

  1. Preparing the college’s annual budget.
  2. Keeping proper accounts of income and expenditure of the amount collected from
  3. Making necessary maintenance and improvements in the infrastructure facilities.
  4. Purchasing major items for the institution, observing the required
    procedures and keeping records of it.


The Finance Cum Purchase Committee shall be reconstituted every three years except
for the retirement and long leave of the staff.


Meetings of the Finance Cum Purchase Committee shall be held at least twice in a year

The Examination committee is responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects
related to examinations and assessments within the institution.


 Principal / Convener
 College Coordinator
 Course Coordinators: Core Course
 Course Coordinator: Pedagogic Course
 Course Coordinator: Elective Course
 M.Ed Core Course
 M.Ed Pedagogy Course
 Faculty Advisor / Secretary
 Non -teaching staff


To design, organize, and manage the internal and external theory and practical
examination process and to ensure fair and transparent assessment of students.


  1. Preparing examination time table and intimate the faculties for setting question paper at
    least two weeks in advance for the terminal examinations and model examinations.
  2. Preparing invigilation timetable and making necessary arrangements for internal and
    external examinations.
  3. Preparing time table and assigning work for conducting class and interview for the
    practical examination.
  4. Ensuring that the questions are appropriate, aligned with the curriculum, and meet the
    academic standards of the institution.
  5. Analyzing exam results and providing feedback to faculty and students.


The Examination Committee shall be reconstituted every three years except for the
retirement and long leave of the staff.


Meetings of the Examination Committee shall be held at least four times a year.

The committee is responsible for reviewing applications, assessing the potential of
applicants, and making informed decisions about whom to admit based on the universities’
admission criteria.


 Principal / Convener
 Nodal Officer
 Faculty Member/ Secretary
 Head Accountant
 Non -teaching staff


To identify applicants who not only meet the minimum academic requirements.


  1. Reviewing the applications submitted by prospective students.
  2. Communicating admission decisions to the applicants, including acceptance, waitlist status
  3. Keeping admission statistics, including enrollment numbers, demographics, and other
    relevant data.


The Admission Committee shall be reconstituted every three years except for the
retirement and long leave of the staff.


Meetings of the Admission Committee meets whenever the need arises.