Multi Skilled Development Programmes (SKID) for the Student teachers and the Extension services rendered by the institution by the name Josephites in the Community (JIC) are identified as the Best practices of the institution.

In The Year 2019-2020 The Following Programmes Were Conducted To Fulfill The Objectives Of Mukti Skill Development Programme (SKID):-

1. Daily prayer in morning assembly.

2. Talent’s Day for the fresher’s was conducted 23/07/2019 to 25/07/2019 for the First Year B.Ed Student teachers.

3. Micro teaching session, Demonstration and Criticism classes were arranged in the month of November for the First Year B.Ed Student teachers .

4. Value integrated lesson plans were taught to the second year B.Ed student teachers .

5. Workshop on Teaching Aids 26/06/2019 for the second Year B.Ed student teachers

6. Training in preparation of assessment tools on 27/07/2019was given to second year B.Ed student teachers

7. Training in preparation of psychological tests, diagnostic tests was given to the second Year B.Ed student teachers.

8. Training in Blog was provided to the First Year B.Ed Student teachers in August 2019

9. Training in the use of smart board was provided to the First Year B.Ed Student teachers in August 2019.

10. Second year B.Ed Student teachers conducted action research and projects and wrote reports.

11. Training in yoga by Baiju Vargheses (M.SC Yoga, Diploma In Yogic Education, Director, Athma Yoga Academy, Ponurunni) 06/08/2019 to 08/08/2019 & 18/08/2019 was provided to the First Year B.Ed and M.Ed Student.

12. Workshop on Theatre & Arts on 24 06/08/2019 to 08/08/2019 & 18/08/2019 was provided to the First Year B.Ed and M.Ed Student.

13. First year B.Ed students prepared eco friendly products .

14. Six students of Natural Science optional and four Students of Physical Science prepared a herbal garden on 03/09/2019

15. Two students of Natural Science and 10 students of Physical Science conducted seminars on ecological issues in the month of July and August for the students of Natural Science and and Physical Science.

16. Onam Celebration was conducted on 06/09/2019

17. Seven Students participated in the 52nd Rajgiri Round Table Conference on Changing role of teacher as a catalyst, facilitator on 18/09/2020 held in our college.

18. Trianing Programme on Zumba dance – ZIN TM Siyad & ZIN Tm Neethu Easo on 27/09/2019 for first year B.Ed and M.Ed students.

19. Class by Health Inspector Sri. Rajeev Kumar 01/10/2019 for the First Year B.Ed student teachers.

20. Class on First Aid by Dr Shiji Francis 11/10/2018 was conducted for 1st year B.Ed Students.

21. Celebrated Rashtriya Ekta Diwas 31/10/2019

22. I year B.Ed students interacted with teachers from SCERT Delhi who visited our College on 15/11/2019 and with teachers from DIET, Delhi who visited our College on 6/12/2019.

23. Motivational Class by M. Girish on 18/11/2019

24. Value based Classes by Fr. Jolly vadakan, Fr Benny on 28/08/2019, 10/12/2019,11/12/2019, 12/12/2019

25. Training in journal review writing was provided to second year B.Ed Students.

26. Sports day on 18/12/2019 & 19/12/2019 was conducted for second year B.Ed students

27. B.Ed and M.Ed students interacted with transgenders on 20/12/2019 and became aware of their ordeals.

28. Christmas celebration was held on 20/12/2020

29. A study tour was conducted to Chikmangalore from 09/01/2020 to 13/01/2020 for second year B.Ed students.

30. Training in Communicative English and language lab sessions for the Second years were organized in January 2019.

31. Arts day was organized on 31/01/2020 by second year B.Ed students.

32. A 5 day Community living Camp from 02/02/2020 to 06/02/2020 was conducted for second year B.Ed students.

33. Class on Disater Management by Sri Sai Disaster Management Foundation on 03/02/2020 was conducted for second year B.Ed students.

34. Class on Mental Health by Dr Sethulekshmi ( NHM Ernakulam) on 05/02/2020 was conducted for second year B.Ed students.

35. Class on substance Use among Children by Mr Vigin M S ( NHM Ernakulam) on 05/02/2020 was conducted for second year B.Ed students

36. B.Ed and M.Ed students Participated and presented paper in International seminar on the topic An Equal World is an Enabled World- Realizing Women’s Power form 08/03/2020 to10/3/2020 held in our college.

Obstacles Faced If Any And Strategies Adopted To Overcome Them

The eco friendly practices like preparation of ecofriendly products, seminars on ecological issues, were done for the students of the institution alone. The involvement of the neighbouring schools was not thought. It was decided to conduct exhibhitions which would be open to the students of the neighbouring schools too.

Impact Of The Practice:

Helped the students to inculcate spiritual, cultural, social and ethical values, develop of competencies and skills to face the challenges of life, widen their horizons, grow in confidence.

The Following Programmes Were Organized Under The Extension Programme JOSEPHITES IN THE COMMUNITY (JIC):

1. Collected clothes and other amenities for the people affected by landslides, developed sharing and empathetic outlook

2. Visit to Special School 04/02/2020

3. Thirty students of Physical Science and Natural Science undertook a study on the prevailing eco friendly practices in schools.

4. Paper bag distribution 05/02/2020 & 26/02/2020. Distributed 2000 paper bags in the local market, helped to develop eco consciousness

Obstacles Faced If Any And Strategies Adopted To Overcome Them

Due to the pandemic situation couldnot conduct the usual HOPE and JAGARAN . But this was decided to be made good in the forth coming years by changing over to the online mode of conduct of these programmes.

Impact Of The Practice:

Students developed social values, empathy and ecoconsciousness and realized that they could contribute the little they can for the betterment of the society.